Don’t shy away, this is not a shameful topic after all. This is merely an article to get your facts and expectations set. You know what they say, always be prepared, so carry on reading and be ready, because that is just good sense.
As your wedding day approaches, you are probably experiencing all sorts of feelings, ranging from excitement, anxiety to being overwhelmed. That’s normal, and you probably had “the talk” from your mother, sister or best friend to prepare you for your wedding night.
However, sometimes, there are bits of information that gets left out or your family forgets to mention to you, leaving you really confused the next morning and opening up Google for answers. To save you time, we decided to gather up some facts and information about sex they don’t tell you – that way you can enjoy your night and avoid any awkward moments.
1. Sex isn’t like in the movies, it doesn’t go on for hours. On average, sex lasts for 10 minutes.
2. Due to lubrication and ejaculation during intercourse, do not expect to have clean, dry bed sheets after sex.
3. Women experience an increase in sexual desire before their period, meaning during the time they are ovulating.
4. Women can orgasm an unlimited amount of times during sex, however a lot of women don’t orgasm from penetration alone.
5. Purchasing lube is not shameful, in fact lube can reduce pain during sex and increase satisfaction.
6. Women tend to have a radiant glow after sex, as their estrogen levels double.
7. It is normal to want a nap after sex, as you just exerted some effort. Also after sex, oxytocin is released, a hormone that calms your body and induces sleep.
8. Women’s bodies are sensitive during intercourse. So if you feel any sort of pain or pressure, it is normal, just communicate it to your partner.
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